Today is Pancake Day

And we celebrated with the students at Escola Ribatallada in Sabadell.

Remember the lemons when you are making them at home.


And don’t forget to flip your pancake!




Five facts about Pancake Day

1. Pancake Day is traditionally known as Shrove Tuesday and is historically a religious occasion relating to the Christian Feast of Easter.

2. In the UK it has become commonly known as Pancake Day due to the tradition of making panckes using ingredients which were often given up for Lent.

3. Shrove Tuesday is also known by other names around the world, including Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras.

4. It is customary in France to touch the handle of the frying pan and make a wish while the pancake is turned, holding a coin in one hand.

5. The largest pancake ever made and successfully flipped measured 15.01 metres wide, 2.5cm deep and weighed three tonnes. It was made in Rochdale in 1994.

Published by Serena

I'm a children's playwright and theatre director. In 2000 I formed LOOK OUT! Theatre Company which offers interactive theatre for students learning English. I have written and directed 25 original plays and produced 28 shows which have been performed across Catalonia, Spain.

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Look Out! Theatre Company

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