Today is Pancake Day

And we celebrated with the students at Escola Ribatallada in Sabadell. Remember the lemons when you are making them at home. And don’t forget to flip your pancake!     Five facts about Pancake Day 1. Pancake Day is traditionally known as Shrove Tuesday and is historically a religious occasion relating to the Christian FeastContinue reading “Today is Pancake Day”

And the winner is …

Today, just before our performance of Murder at Manor House in Cardedeu, we held the draw for the free performance that we offered at APAC. Thanks to Teresa Coma, English teacher from IES Arquitecte Manuel Raspall who pulled out the winning school.Ceip Folch i Torres in Esplugues de Llobregat. Congratulations! We look forward to seeingContinue reading “And the winner is …”

Are you going to the APAC convention?

We’ll be there and would love to meet you and give you the opportunity to find out more about us and our great plays for students in pre-school, primary and secondary. LOOK OUT! Theatre Company has been performing interactive English theatre to schools since 2000.  We have long-running favourites but keep all our shows fresh,Continue reading “Are you going to the APAC convention?”

Look Out! Theatre Company

experts in English theatre